Introduce Yourself

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Re: Introduce Yourself

Postby downlineforum » Thu Apr 01, 2021 12:54 pm

Hi Dan. Welcome to the forum.
Roberto Santana

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Re: Introduce Yourself

Postby dansbanners » Fri Apr 02, 2021 9:36 am

downlineforum wrote:Hi Dan. Welcome to the forum.

Thanks for the welcome!

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Re: Introduce Yourself

Postby JmHuta » Sat Apr 10, 2021 4:47 am

My name is John Mark from Solomon Islands, Trying also to raise money via internet for my daily earnings, and also to make from home just like other normal people do my daily web page is as follows: 1. 2. 3. 4.
5. 6. 7. 8. with your all help could help every make money on the internet today!!! and we Share The internet Abundance: Thanks Everyone. JMhuta

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Re: Introduce Yourself

Postby downlineforum » Sat Apr 10, 2021 11:06 am

Hi John,
welcome to the forum. Good luck with your business.
Roberto Santana

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Re: Introduce Yourself

Postby kingdave » Mon May 17, 2021 6:02 am


My name is David Kinghorn, I am a 74 year old retired Builder from North Yorkshire, United Kingdom, trying my hand at Affiliate/Internet Marketing

I have a very amateur online marketing company by the name of "North Yorkshire Marketing.

I have been a member of Downline Farm for some years but can not see any movement in the company.
It just seems to be stuck in a rut, admittedly I have not logged in for some time, am considering upgrading and trying again.

David Kinghorn

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Re: Introduce Yourself

Postby downlineforum » Mon May 17, 2021 12:50 pm

Hi David,
welcome to the forum.

As the operator of Downline Farm, I regretfully have to agree that we've been somewhat "stuck in a rut", as you say. I believe in honesty, and won't try to mislead anyone, or deny when we do run into setbacks.

We were going up like a Rocket in 2018. Then came the Payza collapse, then the PayPal restrictions. Then when we had started overcome that and started going up again, the Pandemic hit and it affected ALL of the third party programs in DLF as much as the PayPal and Payza thing did. People panicked and we had an avalanche of Gold subscription cancellations, as well as cancellations in our flagship programs.

The good news is:
#1 - We're making some major improvements/additions to DLF this year.
#2 - We have survived all of the challenges and obstacles thrown our way (many others did not), and are still going strong.

That said, DLF is like any other opportunity out there; You get back what you put into it, we just make it EASIER, but you DO have to do a little work.

We have about a dozen members who are doing really great. And another couple of dozen who are very close behind. But these members are hard workers. They are the backbone of DLF.

We often get emails from members saying DLF is the very first program they ever got paid from, so we must be doing something right. Now we just need to continue building on that. And we will.
Roberto Santana

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Re: Introduce Yourself

Postby govinda0812 » Thu May 20, 2021 9:20 am


I am Vineet Agarwal from Ludhiana, Punjab. I am into online business since last 25 years. I lost my wife to cancer and lost all business and money with her passing away.

I want to rebuild an online business. Could you please tell me is it possible to start earning by purchasing the Gold membership for $7.00? If yes, is it also possible to increase it subsequently?

Please guide me as I want to reach a target of $300 per month in the next two months.


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Re: Introduce Yourself

Postby downlineforum » Thu May 20, 2021 1:06 pm

Hi Vineet,
welcome to the forum. Sorry to hear about your wife.

Downline Farm is unique and different from any other opportunity, but there is one thing we do have in common with All of them,
and that is that you get out of it what you put into it in effort.

So it's really impossible to predict how much you can make. It's mostly up to you.
For your target of $300 per month in any affiliate type home based business it will take you a long time to reach that goal, but it is definitely possible.

There are hundreds of opportunities around that tell you that you can start earning huge amounts of money fast. You know, the get-rich-quick scams.
Many will even say you don't have to do anything to make money because it's all "Done For You". Those things don't work. Ever.

At Downline Farm we don't make those dishonest type of claims. Even though we make the claim that we make it "Impossible to not earn money", we make it clear that your income grows OVER TIME, Not Overnight.

This year we are introducing new features and changes that will make your income grow Faster than it does now. How much faster is hard to say, as it depends on how much the members participate and work at it. We at Downline Farm can come up with the most amazing system, but it all comes down to you, our members. If enough members take part in the new features it can mean a really big improvement in how much you can earn, and how fast your income will grow.
Roberto Santana

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Re: Introduce Yourself

Postby kingdave » Sun May 23, 2021 6:21 am

Hi Roberto,

Thanks for your comments, it was your attitude to honesty that prompted me to join Downline Farm in the first place.

Good luck to you and everyone here.

David (kingdave)

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Postby RTevams » Sun Jan 16, 2022 11:09 pm

Before l start contributing to the forum,l would like to introduce myself ,My name is Charless and I live in Washington state I am looking for a forum topics and I am interested in joining a user group
I want to get a lot more information on hosting for my data center.

Help me.
